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Study in Canada

Canadians place great importance on learning, and have developed one of the world’s finest education system with high standards. The country spends more on education (as a percentage of GDP) as compared to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) average, and is the second highest among G-8 countries.
Canada is currently ranked 4th on the United Nations Human Development Index, an annual survey that uses a number of factors (life expectancy, literacy, education, standard of living, and GDP per capita) to determine quality of life. It also includes abundance of fresh water, comfortable population density, low incidence of violent crime and a health care system that is a model for the world. Canada also has the highest ranking cities in North America for living according to the Mercer Human Resource Consulting Worldwide Quality of Living Survey 2007. This ranking is based on two important criteria of safety and stability. Five Canadian cities ranked within the Top 25 cities in North America include Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Calgary.

All public and private recognized and authorized post-secondary institutions in Canada have been given the authority to grant academic credentials by their provincial or territorial governments, through charters or legislation that ensures or enables mechanisms for institutional and program quality. At the provincial and national levels, Canadian professional-regulatory bodies (for example, in the fields of nursing, architecture, and engineering) participate in the establishment and review of postsecondary curriculum standards. Accreditation reviews are conducted through analysis of reports and on-site visits. There are a number of organizations in Canada that promote quality and the use of high academic standards in post-secondary programs such as the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) and the Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada (AAAC). Higher education degrees from Canada are accepted and respected worldwide.

By studying in Canada, you can receive a high quality education in a friendly and welcoming environment for a reasonable cost.

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